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We usually have around 130 different items for you to choose from. Here you can see a selection of our most popular items that we try to always have in stock, but they may be temporarily out of stock during your visit.

Mugs and cups

Standardmugg 275 kr

Enkel bägare 245 kr

Cappuccinomugg 275 kr

Konisk bägare 245 kr

Döskallemugg 275 kr

Stor te-mugg 295 kr

Enhörningsmugg 299 kr

Chai-mugg 275 kr


Hög frukost-blomskål 279

Halvcirkelskål 275 kr

Organisk skål

Nordisk skål 275 kr

Liten skål 11 cm

Diskusskål 27 cm 445 kr

Bucklig skål 295 kr

Äggformad skål 279 kr

Plates and platters

Enkel tallrik 25 cm 295 kr

Ojämnt fat liten 259 kr

Ojämnt fat mellan 325 kr



Sjöjungfru 269 kr

Katter/hundar 149 kr/st

Svamhusplykta 375 kr

Facetterad räv 525 kr


Mjölkkanna 2,5 dl

Allmogekanna 385 kr

Kaxig tekanna 579 kr
